Newly Posted Awards, Decisions & Materials

8 May 2012
Rafat Ali Rizvi v. Republic of Indonesia, ICSID Case No. ARB/11/13
Decision on Security for Costs (not public)
9 Nov 2011
RosInvestCo UK Ltd. v. The Russian Federation, SCC Case No. V079/2005
Document provided by: IAReporter
8 Feb 2012
Konsortium Oeconomismus v. Czech Republic 
1 Jan 2012
Rupert Joseph Binder v. Czech Republic, UNCITRAL
15 Jul 2011
Rupert Joseph Binder v. Czech Republic, UNCITRAL
Document provided by: IAReporter
1 Jan 2009
Compagnie International de Maintenance (CIM) v. Ethiopia, UNCITRAL
