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EU Documents
Investment Treaties
Recent Literature
International Investment Agreement Name
Case type
Foreign Investment Law, Contract
International Investment Agreement
International Investment Agreement, Contract
International Investment Agreement, Foreign Investment Law
International Investment Agreement, Foreign Investment Law, Contract
Foreign Investment Law
Diplomatic Protection
Domestic Court
International Court of Justice
Iran-US Claims Tribunal
Other Treaty Based
State Claim Against Investor
Treaty Interpretation by Domestic Courts
Investment treaty
- Any -
1990 Germany-Czech Republic
1998 Russia-Moldova BIT
Agreement between Singapore and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan
Agreement between the Government of Barbados and the Republic of Venezuela for the Promotion and Protection of Investments
Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Government of Romania for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments 2011
Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Government of the Republic of Poland on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments dated 5 June 1990
Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Romania for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments 1996 (extended to the Bailiwick of Jersey by Exchange of Notes 1999)
Albania - Bulgaria BIT (1994)
Albania - Greece BIT (1991)
Albania - North Macedonia BIT 1997
Albania - United Kingdom BIT (1994)
Albania - United States of America BIT (1995)
Albania-Greece BIT
Albania-Greece BIT, Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
Albania-Italy BIT
Albania-United States BIT
Algeria - BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) BIT (1991)
Algeria - France BIT (1993)
Algeria -Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union BIT (1991)
Algeria-Egypt BIT
Algeria-Germany BIT
Algeria-Italy BIT
Angola - Portugal BIT (2008)
Arab Investment Agreement
Arab Investment Agreement (1980)
Argentina - Austria BIT (1992)
Argentina - Italy BIT (1990)
Argentina - Malaysia BIT (1994)
Argentina - Mexico BIT (1996)
Argentina - Netherlands BIT (1992)
Argentina - Spain BIT (1991)
Argentina - United Kingdom BIT (1990)
Argentina - US BIT (1991)
Argentina-Belgium-Luxembourg BIT
Argentina-Belgium-Luxembourg BIT, Argentina-France BIT
Argentina-Chile BIT
Argentina-France BIT
Argentina-France BIT, Argentina-Spain BIT
Argentina-Germany BIT
Argentina-Italy BIT
Argentina-Mexico BIT
Argentina-Mexico BIT, France-Mexico BIT
Argentina-Netherlands BIT
Argentina-Peru BIT
Argentina-Spain BIT
Argentina-United Kingdom BIT
Argentina-United States BIT
Argentina-Venezuela BIT
Armenia - Canada BIT (1997)
Armenia - Cyprus BIT (1995)
Armenia - United States of America BIT (1992)
Armenia-United States BIT
ASEAN - China Investment Agreement (2009)
ASEAN Agreement for the Promotion and Protection of Investments
ASEAN Agreement for the Promotion and Protection of Investments (1987)
ASEAN Treaty
ASEAN-China Investment Agreement (2009)
Australia - Egypt BIT (2001)
Australia - India BIT (1999)
Australia - New Zealand Investment Protocol
Australia - Papua New Guinea BIT (1990)
Australia-Gambia BIT
Australia-Hong Kong BIT
Australia-India BIT
Australia-Indonesia BIT
Australia-Indonesia BIT, Indonesia-United Kingdom BIT
Australia-Pakistan BIT
Austria - Croatia BIT (1997)
Austria - Jordan BIT (2001)
Austria - Libya BIT (2002)
Austria - Macedonia
Austria - Malta BIT (2002)
Austria - Montenegro BIT (2001)
Austria - Poland BIT (1988)
Austria - Serbia BIT (2001)
Austria - Slovenia BIT (2001)
Austria - Tajikistan BIT (2010)
Austria-Bulgaria BIT
Austria-Bulgaria BIT, Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
Austria-Croatia BIT
Austria-Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) BIT
Austria-Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) BIT, Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
Austria-Slovak Republic BIT
Austria-Turkey BIT
Austria-Ukraine BIT
Azerbaijan - Iran BIT (1996)
Azerbaijan - Turkey BIT (1994)
Azerbaijan - United Kingdom BIT (1996)
Azerbaijan-Georgia BIT
Bahrain - Egypt BIT (1997)
Bahrain- Iran BIT (2002)
Bangladesh-Italy BIT
Barbados - Canada BIT (1996)
Barbados - Venezuela
Barbados - Venezuela BIT (1994)
Barbados-Venezuela BIT
Belarus - Cyprus BIT (1998)
Belarus - Lithuania BIT (1999)
Belarus - Netherlands BIT (1995)
Belarus - United Kingdom BIT (1994)
Belarus-Switzerland BIT
Belarus-Switzerland BIT, Belarus-Ukraine BIT
Belarus-Ukraine BIT
Belgium-Burundi BIT
Belgium-Luxembourg - Cyprus BIT (1991)
Belgium-Luxembourg - Libya BIT (2004)
Belgium-Luxembourg - Ukraine BIT (1996)
Belgium-Luxembourg-Burundi BIT
Belgium-Luxembourg-Croatia BIT
Belgium-Luxembourg-Czech Republic BIT
Belgium-Luxembourg-Egypt BIT
Belgium-Luxembourg-Korea BIT
Belgium-Luxembourg-Malaysia BIT
Belgium-Luxembourg-South Africa BIT
Belgium-Luxembourg-South Africa BIT, Italy-South Africa BIT
Belgium-Russian Federation BIT
Belgium/Luxembourg - Russian Federation BIT (1989)
Belgium/Luxembourg- Madagascar BIT
Belize-United Kingdom BIT
Belize-United Kingdom BIT (1982)
BIT Albania - Italy 1991
BIT France - Hungary (1986)
BIT Great Britain and Northern Ireland-Senegal
BIT Greece-Albania
BIT Greece-Albania
BIT Saudi Arabia - Türkiye 2006
BIT United States of America - Uruguay 2005
BIT Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan 1997
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Benin BIT (2001)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Burundi BIT (1989)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Cameroon BIT (1980)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Czech Republic BIT (1989)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Egypt BIT (1999)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Madagascar BIT (2005)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Peru BIT (2005)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Poland BIT (1987)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Serbia BIT (2004)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Turkey BIT (1986)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Ukraine BIT (1996)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - United Arab Emirates BIT (2004)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Uruguay BIT (1991)
BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Venezuela BIT (1998)
Bolivarian Republic of - Costa Rica BIT (1997)
Bolivarian Republic of BIT (1994)
Bolivarian Republic of BIT (1995)
Bolivia - Ecuador BIT (1995)
Bolivia - France BIT (1989)
Bolivia - Peru BIT (1993)
Bolivia - Spain BIT (2001)
Bolivia - Switzerland BIT (1987)
Bolivia - United Kingdom BIT (1988)
Bolivia - US BIT (1998)
Bolivia-Chile BIT
Bolivia-France BIT
Bolivia-Netherlands BIT
Bolivia-Netherlands BIT, Bolivia-France BIT, Bolivia-United Kingdom BIT, Bolivia-Spain BIT, Bolivia-United States BIT
Bolivia-Spain BIT
Bolivia-Spain BIT (2001)
Bolivia-Sweden BIT
Bolivia-United Kingdom BIT
Bolivia-United Kingdom BIT (1988)
Bolivia-United Kingdom BIT, Bolivia-United States BIT
Bolivia-United States BIT
Bosnia - India BIT (2006)
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Austria BIT
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Slovenia BIT (2001)
Bulgaria - Czech Republic BIT (1999)
Bulgaria - Israel BIT (1993)
Bulgaria - Romania BIT (1994)
Bulgaria - Serbia BIT (1996)
Bulgaria - Sweden BIT (1994)
Bulgaria - Switzerland BIT (1991)
Bulgaria-Germany BIT
Bulgaria-Israel BIT
Bulgaria-Netherlands BIT
Bulgaria-Oman BIT
Burkina Faso - Canada BIT (2015)
CAFTA-DR (Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement)
Cameroon - Italy BIT (1999)
Cameroon - United States of America BIT (1986)
Canada - Colombia FTA
Canada - Croatia BIT (1997)
Canada - Ecuador BIT (1996)
Canada - Egypt BIT (1996)
Canada - Panama FTA (2010)
Canada - Peru FTA (2009)
Canada - Russian Federation BIT (1989)
Canada - Serbia BIT (2014)
Canada - Tanzania BIT (2013)
Canada - Uruguay BIT (1997)
Canada - Venezuela BIT (1996)
Canada – Panama FTA
Canada- Romania BIT
Canada-China BIT
Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Costa Rica BIT
Canada-Croatia BIT
Canada-Czech Republic BIT
Canada-Ecuador BIT
Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement
Canada-Slovak Republic BIT
Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement
Canada-Venezuela BIT
Canada–Colombia Free Trade Agreement
Cape Verde - Portugal BIT (1990)
CARICOM - Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (2002)
CARICOM - Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement - 2002
Central African Republic-Switzerland BIT
Central America - Mexico FTA (2011)
Central America - Panama FTA (2002)
Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA)
Chile - Colombia BIT (2000)
Chile - Colombia FTA (2006)
Chile - Ecuador BIT (1993)
Chile - Uruguay BIT (2010)
Chile-Costa Rica BIT (1996)
Chile-Malaysia BIT
Chile-Peru BIT
Chile-Spain BIT
China - Ecuador BIT (1994)
China - Finland BIT (2004)
China - Germany BIT (2003)
China - Ghana BIT (1989)
China - Israel BIT (1995)
China - Korea
China - Lao People's Democratic Republic BIT (1993)
China - Malaysia BIT (1988)
China - Malta BIT (2009)
China - Mexico BIT (2008)
China - Nigeria BIT (2001)
China - Republic of Korea BIT (2007)
China - Saudi Arabia BIT (1996)
China - Singapore BIT (1985)
China - Trinidad and Tobago BIT (2002)
China - United Kingdom BIT (1986)
China - Viet Nam BIT (1992)
China - Yemen BIT (1998)
China-Belgium BIT (1986)
China-Belgium BIT (1986), China-Belgium BIT (2009)
China-Belgium BIT (2009)
China-Ecuador BIT
China-Laos BIT
China-Mongolia BIT
China-Peru BIT
China-Sweden BIT
China-Sweden BIT (1982)
CIS Convention for the Protection of Investors Rights (1997)
CIS Convention on Protection of Investor Rights (1997)
CIS Investor Rights Convention (1997)
Colombia - France BIT
Colombia - India BIT (2009)
Colombia - Spain BIT (2005)
Colombia - Spain BIT (2021)
Colombia - Switzerland BIT (2006)
Colombia - United Kingdom BIT
Colombia - United Kingdom BIT (2010)
Colombia - United States TPA (2006)
Colombia - United States Trade Promotion Agreement (2006)
Colombia - US Trade Promotion Agreement
Colombia - US Trade Promotion Agreement (2016)
Colombia-United States Trade Promotion Agreement
Columbia - Mexico - Venezuela Free Trade Agreement (1994)
Columbia - USA TPA 2006
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Congo - United Kingdom BIT (1989)
Convention on the Protection of the Rights of the Investor (1997)
Costa Rica - Venezuela BIT (1997)
Costa Rica-Germany BIT
Costa Rica-Spain BIT
Costa Rica-Switzerland BIT
Côte d’Ivoire-Sweden BIT
Croatia - France BIT (1996)
Croatia - Germany BIT (1997)
Croatia - Israel BIT (2000)
Croatia - Netherlands BIT (1998)
Croatia-Czech Republic BIT
Cuba-Italy BIT
Cyprus - Czech Republic BIT (2001)
Cyprus - Greece BIT (1992)
Cyprus - Lebanon BIT (2001)
Cyprus - Libya BIT (2004)
Cyprus - Moldova BIT (2007)
Cyprus - Poland BIT (1992)
Cyprus - Romania BIT (1991)
Cyprus - Serbia BIT (2005)
Cyprus-Greece BIT
Cyprus-Greece BIT, Greece-Slovakia BIT
Cyprus-Hungary BIT
Cyprus-India BIT
Cyprus-India BIT, India-Russia BIT
Cyprus-Serbia and Montenegro BIT
Czech and Slovak Republic-Germany BIT
Czech Republic - Germany BIT (1990)
Czech Republic - Netherlands BIT (1991)
Czech Republic - Poland BIT (1993)
Czech Republic - Switzerland BIT (1990)
Czech Republic - United Arab Emirates BIT (1994)
Czech Republic - United Kingdom 1990
Czech Republic - United Kingdom 1993
Czech Republic - United Kingdom BIT (1990)
Czech Republic-Cyprus BIT
Czech Republic-Germany BIT
Czech Republic-Germany BIT, Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
Czech Republic-Israel BIT
Czech Republic-Netherlands BIT
Czech Republic-Slovak Republic BIT
Czech Republic-Switzerland BIT
Czech Republic-UK BIT
Czech Republic-United Kingdom BIT
Czech Republic-United States BIT
Democratic Republic of Congo-United States BIT
Democratic Republic of Congo-United States BIT
Denmark - Lithuania BIT (1992)
Denmark - United Republic of Tanzania BIT (1999)
Denmark-Egypt BIT
Domestic Mining Law
Dominican Republic - Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) (2004)
Dominican Republic - France BIT (1999)
Dominican Republic - Panama BIT (2003)
Dominican Republic - Spain BIT (1995)
Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement
Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement
Dominican Republic-France BIT
Dominican Republic-United States Free Trade Agreement
Dominican Republic-United States Free Trade Agreement
Dominican Republic–Central America–United States Free Trade Agreement (2004)
EC Law
Economic Partnership Agreement between Japan and India (India - Japan EPA) (2011)
Ecuador - Italy BIT (2001)
Ecuador - Spain BIT (1996)
Ecuador - United States of America BIT (1993)
Ecuador - USA BIT (1993)
Ecuador-Finland BIT
Ecuador-France BIT
Ecuador-Germany BIT
Ecuador-Spain BIT
Ecuador-Spain BIT
Ecuador-Spain BIT
Ecuador-United Kingdom BIT
Ecuador-United Kingdom BIT, Ecuador-Germany BIT
Ecuador-United States BIT
EFTA - Korea Investment Agreement (2005)
Egypt - Finland BIT (2004)
Egypt - Germany BIT (2005)
Egypt - Kuwait BIT (2001)
Egypt - Netherlands BIT (1996)
Egypt - Qatar BIT (1999)
Egypt - Spain BIT (1992)
Egypt - United Arab Emirates BIT (1997)
Egypt - United States of America BIT (1986)
Egypt-France BIT
Egypt-Germany BIT
Egypt-Greece BIT
Egypt-Indonesia BIT
Egypt-Italy BIT
Egypt-Jordan BIT
Egypt-Kuwait BIT
Egypt-Poland BIT
Egypt-Spain BIT
Egypt-Sweden BIT
Egypt-United Arab Emirates BIT
Egypt-United Kingdom BIT
Egypt-United States BIT
El Salvador
El Salvador-Spain BIT
Energy Charter Treaty
Energy Charter Treaty (1994)
Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), Georgia-Greece BIT
Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), Kazakhstan-United States BIT
Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), Moldova-Ukraine BIT
Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), multiple BITs
Equatorial Guinea-Spain BIT
Estonia - Kazakhstan BIT (2011)
Estonia - Latvia BIT (1996)
Estonia - Ukraine BIT (1995)
Estonia-Estonia/Netherlands BIT
Estonia-Finland BIT
Estonia-Finland BIT, Estonia-Germany BIT
Estonia-Germany BIT
Estonia-Kazakhstan BIT
Estonia-Lithuania BIT -1995
Estonia-Netherlands BIT
Estonia-Netherlands BIT, Estonia-United States BIT
Estonia-United States BIT
Ethiopia - Israel BIT (2003)
Ethiopia - Netherlands BIT (2003)
Ethiopia - Turkey BIT (2000)
Ethiopia-France BIT
EU - Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (2019)
Eurasian Investment Agreement (2008)
European Convention on Human Rights
Finance and Investment Protocol (FIP) for the Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Finland - Montenegro BIT (2008)
Finland-India BIT
France - Chile BIT (1992)
France - Czech Republic BIT (1990)
France - Egypt BIT (1974)
France - Hungary BIT (1986)
France - Iraq BIT (2010)
France - Jordan BIT (1978)
France - Kuwait BIT (1989)
France - Libya BIT (2004)
France - Lithuania BIT (1992)
France - Mauritius BIT (1973)
France - Mexico BIT (1998)
France - Morocco BIT (1996)
France - Panama BIT (1982)
France - Peru BIT
France - Peru BIT (1993)
France - Qatar BIT (1996)
France - Russia BIT (1989)
France - Saudia Arabia BIT (2002)
France - Senegal BIT (2007)
France-Georgia BIT
France-Hungary BIT
France-Lebanon BIT
France-Mauritius BIT
France-Mauritius BIT
France-Mexico BIT
France-Moldova BIT
France-Peru BIT
France-Poland BIT
France-United Kingdom Treaty Concerning the Construction and Operation by Private Concessionaires of a Channel Fixed Link
France-Uruguay BIT
France-Vietnam BIT
Gabon-BLEU (Belgium Luxembourg Economic Union) BIT
Gambia - Netherlands BIT (2002)
Georgia - Azerbaijan BIT (1996)
Georgia - United States of America BIT (1994)
Georgia-Azerbaijan BIT
Georgia-Greece BIT
Georgia-Israel BIT
Georgia-Netherlands BIT
Georgia-Netherlands BIT, Georgia-United States BIT
Georgia-Switzerland BIT 2014
Georgia-Turkey BIT
Georgia-United States BIT
Germany - Albania BIT (1991)
Germany - Costa Rica BIT (1994)
Germany - Costa Rica BIT 1994
Germany - Egypt BIT (2005)
Germany - Federal Republic of Yugoslavia BIT
Germany - Lebanon BIT (1997)
Germany - Morocco BIT (2001)
Germany - Saudi Arabia BIT (1996)
Germany - Slovakia BIT (1990)
Germany - Turkmenistan BIT
Germany - Venezuela BIT (1996)
Germany-Ghana BIT
Germany-India BIT
Germany-Philippines BIT
Germany-Poland BIT
Germany-Russian Federation BIT
Germany-Sri Lanka BIT
Germany-Thailand BIT
Germany-Turkmenistan BIT
Germany-Ukraine BIT
Germany-Venezuela BIT
Germany-Zimbabwe BIT
Germany-Zimbabwe BIT, Switzerland-Zimbabwe BIT
Ghana-Malaysia BIT
Greece - Lebanon BIT (1997)
Greece - Serbia BIT (1997)
Greece-Romania BIT
Greece-Serbia BIT
Greece-Slovakia BIT
Greece-Ukraine BIT
Greece-Yugoslavia BIT
Grenada-United States BIT
Guatamala-Spain BIT
Guatemala - Spain BIT (2002)
Guatemala and Honduras FTA (2007)
Guatemala-Spain BIT
Guyana - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BIT
Honduras - Spain BIT (1994)
Hong Kong-Sweden BIT
Hungary - Croatia BIT (1996)
Hungary - Jordan BIT (2007)
Hungary - Switzerland BIT (1988)
Hungary-Netherlands BIT
Hungary-Netherlands BIT, Hungary-Switzerland BIT
Hungary-Norway BIT
Hungary-Portugal BIT
Hungary-Switzerland BIT
Hungary-United Kingdom BIT
India - France BIT (1997)
India - Indonesia BIT (1999)
India - Korea BIT (1996)
India - Korea CEPA (2009)
India - Macedonia BIT (2008)
India - Mauritius BIT (1998)
India - Mozambique BIT (2009)
India - North Macedonia (2008)
India - Saudi Arabia BIT (2006)
India - United Kingdom BIT (1994)
India-Mauritius BIT
India-Netherlands BIT
India-Russia BIT
India-United Kingdom BIT
Indonesia - Singapore BIT (2005)
Indonesia-Netherlands BIT
Indonesia-Sweden BIT
Indonesia-United Kingdom BIT
Investment Law - Congo (2002)
Investment Law-Venezuela
Investment Law-Venezuela
Investment treaty
Iran - Korea BIT (1998)
Iran-Turkey BIT
Iraq - Kuwait BIT (1964)
Israel-Guatemala BIT (2006)
Israel-Uzbekistan BIT
Italy - Egypt BIT (1989)
Italy - Mongolia BIT
Italy - Morocco BIT (1990)
Italy - Mozambique BIT (1998)
Italy - Panama BIT (2009)
Italy - Tanzania BIT (2001)
Italy - Turkey BIT (1995)
Italy-Algeria BIT
Italy-Georgia BIT
Italy-Jordan BIT
Italy-Lebanon BIT
Italy-Lithuania BIT
Italy-Morocco BIT
Italy-Pakistan BIT
Italy-Romania BIT
Italy-Russian Federation BIT
Italy-Slovenia BIT
Italy-South Africa BIT
Italy-United Arab Emirates BIT
Italy-Venezuela Framework Agreement (2001)
Japan - China BIT (1988)
Jordan - Iraq BIT (2013)
Jordan - Kuwait BIT (2001)
Jordan - Qatar BIT (2009)
Jordan - Sudan BIT (2000)
Jordan - Switzerland BIT (2001)
Jordan - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BIT
Jordan-Kuwait BIT
Jordan-Poland BIT
Jordan-Turkey BIT
Jordan-United States BIT
Kazakhstan - Netherlands BIT (2002)
Kazakhstan - Turkey BIT (1992)
Kazakhstan - United States of America BIT (1992)
Kazakhstan-Kyrgyz Republic BIT
Kazakhstan-Kyrgyz Republic BIT
Kazakhstan-Kyrgyz Republic BIT (1997)
Kazakhstan-Turkey BIT
Kazakhstan-United States BIT
Kenya - United Arab Emirates BIT (2014)
Kenya - United Kingdom BIT (1999)
Kinmen and Matsu on Economic Partnership (ASTEP)
Kinmen and Matsu on Economic Partnership (ASTEP) (2013)
Korea - Libya BIT (2006)
Korea - Nigeria BIT (1998)
Korea - Oman BIT (2003)
Korea - United States of America FTA (2007)
Kosovo-Swiss BIT
Kuwait - Egypt BIT (2001)
Kuwait - Italy BIT 1987
Kuwait - Russian Federation BIT (1994)
Kuwait - Spain BIT 2005
Kuwait - Switzerland BIT (1998)
Kuwait-Pakistan BIT
Kyrgyz Republic- Turkey BIT
Kyrgyz Republic-United States BIT
Kyrgyzstan - Latvia BIT
Kyrgyzstan - Latvia BIT
Kyrgyzstan - Turkey BIT (1992)
Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan BIT (1996)
Lao People's Democratic Republic - Netherlands BIT (2003)
Laos-Netherlands BIT
Latvia - Lithuania BIT (1996)
Latvia - Norway BIT (1992)
Latvia - Ukraine BIT (1997)
Latvia-Lithuania BIT
Latvia-Sweden BIT
Lebanon - Armenia BIT (1995)
Lebanon - Netherlands BIT (2002)
Lebanon - Sudan BIT (2004)
Libya - Turkey BIT (2009)
Libya-Switzerland BIT
Lithuania - Kyrgyzstan BIT (2008)
Lithuania - Montenegro BIT (2005)
Lithuania - Norway BIT (1992)
Lithuania - Russia BIT (1999)
Lithuania - Russian Federation BIT (1999)
Lithuania - Serbia BIT (2005)
Lithuania-Norwary BIT
Lithuania-Russian Federation BIT
Lithuania-Ukraine BIT
Luxembourg-Venezuela BIT
Luxembourg-Venezuela BIT, Portugal-Venezuela BIT
Luxembourg-Venezuela BIT, Spain-Venezuela BIT
Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)-Swiss BIT
Macedonia - Netherlands BIT (1998)
Macedonia - Turkey BIT (1995)
Madagascar - Mauritius BIT (2004)
Madagascar-Sweden BIT
Malaysia - Bahrain BIT (1999)
Malaysia - Sri Lanka BIT (1982)
Malaysia-Sudan BIT
Malaysia-Sweden BIT
Malaysia-United Kingdom BIT
Mauritius - Congo BIT (2010)
Mauritius - Portugal BIT (1997)
Mauritius - Senegal BIT (2002)
Mauritius - Tanzania BIT (2009)
Mauritius - United Kingdom BIT (1986)
Mauritius-India BIT
Mauritius-Pakistan BIT
Mexico - Netherlands BIT (1998)
Mexico - Panama BIT 2005
Mexico - Peru FTA (2011)
Mexico - Portugal BIT (1999)
Mexico - Singapore BIT (2009)
Mexico - Spain BIT (2006)
Mexico - Sweden BIT (2000)
Mexico - United Kingdom BIT (2006)
Mexico- Panama Bilateral Investment Treaty
Mexico-Spain BIT
Moldova - United States of America BIT (1993)
Moldova-Russian Federation BIT
Moldova-Ukraine BIT
Moldova-United States BIT
Mongolia - UK BIT (1991)
Mongolia-Russian Federation BIT
Montenegro-Netherlands BIT
Morocco - Spain BIT (1989)
Morocco - Sweden BIT (1990)
Morocco - United States FTA (2004)
Moscow Convention
Moscow Convention for the Protection of Investors Rights
Moscow Convention for the Protection of Investors Rights
Moscow Convention for the Protection of Investors’ Rights
Mozambique - South Africa BIT (1997)
Mozambique - United Kingdom BIT (2004)
multiple BITs
NAFTA - Chapter 11
Nepal - United Kingdom BIT (1993)
Netherlands - Albania BIT (1994)
Netherlands - Croatia BIT (1998)
Netherlands - Georgia BIT (1998)
Netherlands - Mexico BIT (1998)
Netherlands - Nigeria BIT (1992)
Netherlands - Panama BIT (2000)
Netherlands - Panama BIT (2000) and Central America-Panama FTA (2002)
Netherlands - Peru BIT (1994)
Netherlands - Philippines BIT (1985)
Netherlands - Poland BIT (1992)
Netherlands - Romania BIT (1994)
Netherlands - Tanzania BIT (2001)
Netherlands - Turkey BIT (1986)
Netherlands - Uganda BIT (2000)
Netherlands - Ukraine BIT (1994)
Netherlands - Venezuela BIT
Netherlands - Venezuela BIT
Netherlands - Venezuela BIT (1991)
Netherlands - Vietnam BIT (1994)
Netherlands-Czech Republic BIT (1991)
Netherlands-Estonia BIT
Netherlands-Ethiopia BIT
Netherlands-Kazakhstan BIT
Netherlands-Macedonia BIT
Netherlands-Nicaragua BIT
Netherlands-Nicaragua BIT
Netherlands-Nigeria BIT
Netherlands-Paraguay BIT
Netherlands-Poland BIT
Netherlands-Romania BIT
Netherlands-Senegal BIT
Netherlands-Slovak Repubic BIT
Netherlands-Tunisia BIT
Netherlands-Turkey BIT
Netherlands-Ukraine BIT
Netherlands-Uzbekistan BIT
Netherlands-Venezuela BIT
Netherlands-Venezuela BIT (1991)
Netherlands-Vietnam BIT
Netherlands-Zimbabwe BIT
North American Free Trade Agreement (1992)
North Macedonia - Italy BIT (1997)
North Macedonia - Ukraine BIT (1998)
Norway - Poland BIT (1990)
OIC Investment Agreement (1981)
Oman-Turkey BIT
Oman-United States FTA
Oman-Yemen BIT
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Investment Agreement
Pakistan-Sweden BIT
Pakistan-Switzerland BIT
Pakistan-Turkey BIT
Pakistan-United Kingdom BIT
Panama - Qatar BIT (2010)
Panama - Spain BIT (1997)
Panama - United States of America BIT (1982)
Panama - Uruguay BIT (1998)
Panama-United States of America BIT
Panama-United States of America BIT 1982
Panama-United States of America BIT, United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement
Panama-US Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA)
Paraguay-Peru BIT
Paraguay-Switzerland BIT
Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Iraq (2013)
Peru - Singapore FTA (2008)
Peru - Spain BIT (1994)
Peru - Switzerland BIT (1991)
Peru - United Kingdom BIT (1993)
Peru - United States Trade Promotion Agreement (2006)
Peru - Venezuela BIT (1996)
Peru-Sweden BIT
Peru-United States Trade Promotion Agreement
Philippines - Belgium-Luxembourg BIT1998
Philippines - Switzerland BIT (1997)
Philippines-Switzerland BIT
Poland - United States of America BIT (1990)
Poland-Slovakia BIT (1994)
Poland-Spain BIT
Poland-Turkey BIT
Poland-UK BIT
Poland-United States BIT
Poland-United States Business and Economic Relations Treaty
Portugal-Venezuela BIT
Protection and Guarantee of Investments Among Members States of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference
Republic of - Russian Federation BIT (1998)
Republic of BIT (2007)
Republic of Korea - Netherlands BIT (2003)
Republic of Korea - Saudi Arabia BIT (2002)
Republic of Korea - Viet Nam BIT (1993)
Romania - Sweden BIT (2002)
Romania - Switzerland BIT
Romania - Turkey BIT (2008)
Romania - USA BIT (1992)
Romania-Sweden BIT
Romania-Turkey BIT
Romania-United Kingdom BIT
Romania-United States BIT
Russia - Turkmenistan BIT (2009)
Russia - Ukraine BIT (1998)
Russia- Former Yugoslavia BIT 1995
Russia-France BIT
Russian Federation - Sweden BIT (1995)
Russian Federation - Turkmenistan BIT (2009)
Russian Federation - Ukraine BIT
Russian Federation - Ukraine BIT (1998)
Russian Federation - Ukraine BIT 1998
Russian Federation - Yugoslavia BIT (1995)
Russian Federation-Spain BIT
Russian Federation-United Kingdom BIT
Rwanda - United States of America BIT (2008)
Saint Lucia-United States BIT
Saudi Arabia - Germany BIT
Saudi Arabia - Turkey BIT (2006)
Senegal-Sweden BIT
Serbia - Cyprus BIT (2005)
Serbia - Netherlands BIT (2002)
Serbia - Turkey BIT (2001)
Serbia - United Kingdom BIT (2002)
Sierra Leone - United Kingdom BIT (2000)
Singapore - China BIT (1985)
Singapore - Turkey BIT (2008)
Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement (2003)
Slovak Republic-Switzerland BIT
Slovenia - United Kingdom BIT (1996)
Slovenia-Bosnia and Herzegovina BIT
Slovenia-Netherlands BIT
South Africa-Switzerland BIT
Spain - Argentina BIT (1991)
Spain - Colombia BIT (2005)
Spain - Costa Rica BIT (1997)
Spain - Ecuador BIT (1996)
Spain - Equatorial Guinea BIT (2003)
Spain - Panama BIT (1997)
Spain - Peru BIT (1994)
Spain - Russian Federation BIT (1990)
Spain - Venezuela
Spain - Venezuela BIT (1995)
Spain - Venezuela BIT (1995) (Spanish)
Spain-Equatorial Guinea Bilateral Investment Treaty
Spain-Panama BIT (1997)
Spain-Peru BIT
Spain-Uruguay BIT
Spain-Uruguay BIT, United States-Uruguay BIT
Spain-Venezuela BIT
Sri Lanka - United Kingdom BIT (1980)
Sri Lanka-Sweden BIT
Sri Lanka-United Kingdom BIT
Sri Lanka-United States BIT
Sweden - Tanzania BIT (1999)
Sweden - Ukraine BIT (1995)
Sweden - United Arab Emirates BIT (1999)
Sweden-Tunisia BIT
Sweden-Vietnam BIT
Sweden-Yugoslavia BIT
Switzerland - Algeria BIT (2004)
Switzerland - Colombia BIT (2006)
Switzerland - Czech Republic BIT (1990)
Switzerland - Serbia BIT (2005)
Switzerland - Tanzania BIT (2004)
Switzerland-Gambia BIT
Switzerland-Gambia BIT
Switzerland-Latvia BIT (1992)
Switzerland-Uruguay BIT
Switzerland-Uzbekistan BIT
Switzerland-Venezuela BIT
Switzerland-Zimbabwe BIT
Syrian Arab Republic - Turkey BIT (2004)
Tanzania - Canada BIT (2013)
Tanzania - United Kingdom BIT (1994)
Tanzania-United Kingdom BIT
Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement
The Energy Charter Treaty
The Energy Charter Treaty (1994)
The former Yugoslav Republic of BIT (2001)
the Netherlands-Ukraine BIT
The Unified Agreement for the Investment of Arab Capital in the Arab States (The UA)
The United States - Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement
Treaty between the Government of Canada and the Government of Romania for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments (1996)
Treaty on Eurasian Economic Union (2014)
Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union (2014)
Trinidad and Tobago - United States of America BIT (1994)
Trinidad and Tobago-United States BIT
Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992)
Turkey - United Kingdom BIT (1991)
Turkey - Uzbekistan BIT (1992)
Turkey - Uzbekistan BIT (2017)
Turkey - Yemen BIT (2000)
Turkey - Yugoslavia BIT (2001)
Turkey-Azerbaijan BIT
Turkey-France BIT
Turkey-Pakistan BIT (1995)
Turkey-Turkmenistan BIT
Turkey-United States BIT
Turkey-US BIT (1985)
Turkey-Uzbekistan BIT
Türkiye - Pakistan BIT (1995)
Turkmenistan-United Kingdom BIT
U.S.- Panama Trade Promotion Agreement
U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (2007)
Uganda-United Kingdom BIT
UK - Hungary BIT (1987)
UK - Ukraine BIT (1993)
UK- Romania BIT
UK-Barbados BIT (1993)
Ukraine - Russia BIT (1998)
Ukraine - Russian Federation BIT (1998)
Ukraine - Switzerland BIT (1995)
Ukraine - United States of America BIT (1994)
Ukraine-Russia BIT 1998
Ukraine-United States BIT
United Arab Emirates - United Kingdom BIT (1992)
United Arab Emirates- India Bilateral Investment Treaty
United Kingdom - Colombia BIT (2010)
United Kingdom - Georgia BIT (1995)
United Kingdom - Hungary BIT (1987)
United Kingdom - Tunisia BIT
United Kingdom - Uruguay BIT (1991)
United Kingdom - Venezuela
United Kingdom - Venezuela BIT (1995)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Czech Republic BIT
United Kingdom-El Salvador BIT (1999)
United Kingdom-Uzbekistan BIT
United Kingdom-Venezual BIT
United Kingdom-Venezuela BIT
United Republic of Tanzania - United Kingdom BIT (1994)
United States - Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA)
United States of America - Argentina BIT (1991)
United States of America - Armenia BIT (1992)
United States of America - Georgia BIT (1994)
United States of America - Grenada BIT (1986)
United States of America - Korea Free Trade Agreement (2007)
United States of America - Kyrgyz Republic BIT (1993)
United States of America - Mongolia BIT (1994)
United States of America - Panama BIT (1982)
United States of America - Panama BIT (2000)
United States of America - Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (2006)
United States of America - Rwanda BIT (2008)
United States of America - Slovak Republic BIT (1991)
United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (2018)
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
United States-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement Chapter 14
United States-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement
United States-Uruguay BIT
United States-Venezuela BIT
United States-Vietnam Trade Relations Treaty
United States–Korea Free Trade Agreement (2007)
United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement
Uruguay - Venezuela BIT (1997)
US - Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (2007)
US - South Korea Free Trade Agreement (2007)
US - Viet Nam Trade Relations Agreement (2000)
US Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (2007)
US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement
US-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (2006)
US-Slovak Republic BIT
US-Ukraine BIT (1996)
Various BITs
Venezuela-Switzerland BIT
Zaire - United States of America BIT
Beijing Urban Construction Group Co. Ltd. v. Republic of Yemen,
ICSID Case No. ARB/14/30
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